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已有 241 次阅读2014-12-2 19:44 | Nike

No official title intended for Cuomo's girlfriend

5 (UPI) A representative for Andrew Cuomo said the brand new York governor elect girlfriend, Food items network host Sandra Lee, won't have an official title. Cuomo spokesman Josh Nike ** Thea Nz Vlasto said Lee, Cuomo girlfriend of five several years, will not be referred to as the first woman and she will not have any established duties or staff, the revolutionary York Daily News documented Friday. "Sandra would never expect any kind of taxpayer dollar to support a contributions she makes or would she want to stress the state in any way," Vlasto explained. Etiquette experts agreed while using the decision not to call Lee the first lady. "I all for modern takes on partnerships, but in it, unless you are married, I avoid using the title first female," said Anna Write-up of the Emily Post Start.

Mrs. Cuomo wasn afraid to stir the particular pot when it came to another issue near and dear to help her heart lasagna.

The contest is over Lee recipe for that Italian staple. The TV foods star uses canned tomato broth and cottage cheese. And the bowl is reportedly Andrew favourite. But his mother claims she doesn buy it.

don be aware that that true. You know, possibly she puts cottage cheese since he doesn want to put on weight. That not how we make a lasagna, Cuomo said.

posted with 11/05/2010 6:41:30 Pm hours PDT(Obama promised a silver mine, but will give us a shaft.)Post Reply

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I'm sure now that I am totally not aware of the peculiar details of **al policies. In this instance, I had no clue that Sandra Shelter was Andrew Cuomo girl friend. Exactly why would the possibility of calling the girl a Lady come up? Do they reside together? I am forever surprised about the loose morals of Governors Not a decade ago, this kind of lifestyle would have been deadly to the political career. Marriage has been de rigeur for an aspiring politico. I'm wondering what happened? Perhaps with all that talk about the legitimacy of homosexual marriage, the impact and fact that the institution no longer is present ,at least in NYS. How sad. Well, I wonder what kind of ,seeing that Miss Lee is so attached to saying, will she formulate for her boyfriend inauguration. How teenager.






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